7 Dietary Restrictions Every Event Planner Should be Aware of

Posted by | 26-09-2016

A successful event involved several different factors. One of the main contributors to a successful event is being able to provide great food. While it can be difficult to find a menu that accommodates every attendee’s tastes, it can be equally difficult to accommodate their allergies and special dietary restrictions. That’s why many admission tickets and event invitations offer a series of checkboxes to avoid any such issues.

Here are the common restrictions every event planner should be aware of:

1. Lactose Intolerance

Guests with this intolerance are not able to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk and dairy products. While there is no extreme danger, if a guest were to consume any of the sugar, they will experience some discomfort.

2. Vegetarian and Vegans


It may be easy to present vegetarians with something as simple as a salad, but there are plenty of tasty vegetarian dishes that would impress even the most pronounced carnivores. Veganism is a stricter form of the Vegetarian diet and is considered a lifestyle choice. Vegans will not consume or wear any clothes involved with animal bi-products. In addition, many religions prefer vegetarian options over others. Most Hindus do not eat meat and none eat beef since the cow is sacred to them. Many will seek a vegetarian food option.

3. Peanut Allergies

Even the slightest contact with peanut residue can cause a dangerous allergic reaction. If you are serving foods cooked in peanut oil, or containing any trace of nut, that it be properly labelled, and prepared in a separate, sterile environment.

4. Diabetic

Diabetics aren’t able to produce insulin and need to continuously monitor their blood sugar levels. To accommodate their needs to be stricter with sweets, we can make sure to provide them with healthier diet beverage options and limit the number of high-fat food options provided at the event.

5. Celiac Disease (Gluten Free)


Guests with this condition need to eat gluten-free food products to prevent inflammation in their small intestine. Providing menu options free of wheat, barley, rye and oats can sound difficult, however, there are many great gluten-free foods available like pizza and pasta that make it well worse the price of the admission ticket.

6. Kosher

Kosher meat products need to be butchered in a certain manner and cannot include shellfish and pork. Guests keeping kosher will also refrain from eating dairy and meat at the same time.

7. Halal

Many practitioners of the Muslim faith will only eat Halal meat that is prepared and blessed in a particular manner.

How to Accommodate Your Guests

Once you are able to get all the information and dietary restrictions from your guests, you then must find a catering staff that can the necessary menu adjustments. Working close with your vendor and guests alike will ensure you don’t run into any issues on the day of the event.

to tix

To accommodate our guest’s needs, we first need to uncover what their needs in fact are. By providing your guests a menu upfront and providing a contact number on the admission ticket or event invite for any dietary restrictions, you are giving your guests enough time and opportunity to voice their concerns.

Comtix offers many admission ticket templates that can include the information your guests need before dining at your event. Our custom printed tickets are also made to stand out like the rave food reviews at your next event!